I don’t know how this picture happened in my camera roll, but when I saw it it immediately resonated with my current holidays mood. Its festive hues and composition make me think of my present situation.
We’re living in a time of change: the pandemic, natural man-made disasters are taking away our assumed certainties. We’re in a state of flux, shifting through states with varied densities and shades. And yet as a society we have been becoming increasingly polarized. In these difficult times we need to remember that life is not black and white, but it’s a wonderful symphony of colors.
The best way to cope with change is always to flow with it, not to build walls. Rivers cut through mountains, resistance to change is always futile.
That’s why my wish to all of you my friends close and far is that you may flow with grace.
Grace implies an alignment of intention and action which produces effortless and effective movement. After all that’s all Patanjali teaches about asanas:
“Sthira sukhamāsanam.” (Asana is a steady and comfortable posture.)
(Yoga Sutras 46.2)
So, find your own center, a peaceful center of stillness and love. Focus your intention, set your final destination.
Stay present so you can adjust the route, and let your very own love-boat flow into the ride of life.