This is a great meditation for beginners. It is easy to follow even if you have never meditated before, and yet very effective. I have tried it with some friends and they all loved it. I adapted it from the script by Nikolai Manek ( for the 200hr meditation teacher certification test, that I passed a few weeks ago. The meditation comprises four parts and lasts 20 minutes.

Part 1

It starts with the square breath, a.k.a. box breath or tactical breath, to focus the mind into our inner workings and away from the noisy world. It is a classic yogic technique known as Sama Vritti Pranayama, by equalizing all the 4 phases of the breath (inhale, hold in, exhale, hold out) it harmonizes and balances the flow and exchange of prana (life energy) in our body. Other benefits include increased focus and calm. Emotions always affect breathing -have you noticed your breath when you are scared?; therefore, when we control and balance our breath, we control and balance the effects of emotions on our body.

Part 2

In the second part of the meditation we will perform the Progressive Muscle Relaxation. This technique is designed specifically to release all body tensions, another effect of stress, anxiety & co, which we are often unaware of .

Part 3

The third part is a beautiful heart and gratitude meditation which never fails to raise the vibration.

Part 4

The final part is a series of affirmations or vows inspired by various mystical traditions to set the intention(s) for the day ahead. Repeat them or just let them flow around you and sink into your consciousness, like tiny seeds for future actions brought by the wind. You will be naturally drawn to the one(s) you need, let it resonate in your mind and in your heart throughout the day.

Thank you!